
Fire Department

The Minnesota Lake Volunteer Fire Department has been serving the Minnesota Lake area since its creation in 1896.

The department has the following fire apparatus: 1996 Central States, 1500 gpm fire engine, 2006 Pierce 1500 gpm fire engine, 1987 & 2007 International tankers with the capacity of 3,000 gallons each, 2003 Freightliner rescue truck with firefighting equipment and a 1987 4-wheel drive grass rig.

MLFD currently is 18 members strong and is constantly looking for, and recruiting new members to add to their squad.

Fire Chief: Dave Malakowsky
Assistant Chief:  Darrin Hueper
Captain: Dusty Drager
Lieutenant: Lincoln Wach
Training Officer: Travis Peek

The Minnesota Lake Fire Department is trained to the NFPA 1001 standard. Many of our firefighters are certified by The Minnesota Fire Certification board in the areas of Firefighting and Hazardous Materials Operations. The department trains every month and also hosts and attends special training sessions. MLFD members also include three State Fire Instructors.

MLFD is trained and equipped to handle all types of fires, auto extrication, hazardous materials releases, confined space rescue, grain bin rescue, and rope rescue.

MLFD also operates a medical assist team to help the Minnesota Lake Ambulance Service with patient lifting and care. We are also trained to be able to assist landing a helicopter on scene if needed.


City of Minnesota Lake

103 Main St. N.
PO Box 98
Minnesota Lake, MN 56068
T: 507-462-3277
F: 507-462-3438